After a long gap, I finally got to testing a WIP build of Blender 2.8. I was urged to download the WIP build while watching a BlenderToday video on YouTube.
For testing out the user interface and workflows, I decided to use the Amazon Lumberyard Bistro model that I had downloaded earlier.
Outright, I ran into a limitation of Blender 2.8: I was not able to import the FBX file, so I imported it in Blender 2.79, saved the blend file and then opened in Blender 2.8.
After loading the Bistro blend file in 2.8, I noticed that the viewport shading was not what I am used to seeing in 2.79 and earlier. So, I started exploring the Toolbar and Properties panels. Some of the properties have been moved to the viewport header.
Next step was to setup the World lighting. I added an environment texture and pointed it to the hdr map provided by the model file that I downloaded in the earlier step. Finally I enabled ambient occlusion.
Another limitation of the FBX import that I noticed was that the shading networks were not setup properly. So I had to manually setup it up.
After enabling all the node based materials and linking the textures, I was able to achieve the following result. Note that I only tested with the Base color texture, although the downloaded model came with specular and normals maps as well.
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