Grease Pencil test and breakdown by Tobi Trebelja

Copyright of Tobi Trebelja

Tobi Trebelja created the following animation while learning animation workflows in Blender Grease Pencil,

Street Chase Animation in Grease Pencil from Tobias Trebeljahr on Vimeo.

 Soon after posting his test, Tobi also created a breakdown and shared it with the community.

Copyright of Tobi Trebelja

Tobi breaksdown his test in the following stages

1. Blocking
2. Line Art
3. Fill & FX
4. Shadows
5. Set Clean & Color
6. Set Color
7. Polish
8. Scene Breakdown
9. Comp

Thank you Tobi for sharing your worflow with us. You can follow Tobi on social media and check out his artwork and exploits.
On a personal note, sharing workflows is of more value to me and I hope to share more workflows using Blender this year.

Thank you for reading my blog and feel free to subscribe to the blog using the link at the top of this page.

Satish Goda


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