Testing EEVEE using Nvidia ORCA Emerald Square City asset

The following image is rendered by EEVEE, the GPU rasterized renderer that was released with Blender 2.80. In this blog post I am going to outline how I used an asset provided by NVIDIA Open Research Content Archive (ORCA) for conducting graphics research.
ORCA is a library of professionally-created 3D assets donated to the research community. ORCA enables researchers to develop, test and discover new ideas using challenging, high-quality assets.

You can download the assets in FBX format from the link below.

After downloading the individual FBX files, I imported them into separate collections, so that I can instance them as needed.

For the leaf card materials, I had to adjust the blend mode and shadow mode properties so that the leaves displayed properly.

In a separate scene, I instanced the collections to build the following Assembly. While my main focus in doing this is to get all the assets in Blender and ready for rendering in EEVEE, secondary focus was to understand how EEVEE deals with cascading shadow map for Sun Lights. (You can refer to my earlier blogpost on cascaded shadows maps here)

You can see the scene the final result details in the screenshot below (vertex/face count and memory usage). Then some cameras were placed at various locations around the scene.

Following frames were rendered using EEVEE (using a high sample count)

This is just the beginning. I intend to use this scene and thoroughly test and understand EEVEE rendering engine and along the way document my learning.

Thank you for reading my blog.
